Transonic Pro Ultrasonic Repeller
Ultrasonic and Sonic Rodent, Bird and Pest Repellent by Bird-X -
Get Rid of Pests for up to 2000 Feet!Transonic PRO pest repeller
Drives Pests Away With Sounds They Can't Stand!
Versatile ultrasonic/sonic pest repeller - repels all pests including:
- Small animals (raccoons, skunk, squirrels and more!)
- Bats, Rats & Mice
- Spiders, fleas, ticks & other flying & crawling insects
"Psychoacoustic Jamming" Electronic Solution
Intense, variable pitch ultrasonic and sonic sound waves repel pests. This noisy, hostile, dynamic sound environment is intolerable to pests, yet friendly to pets, humans and the environment. Dual speaker design ensures exceptional dispersement of sound.
Use Anywhere, Indoors or Out
Food establishments, farms, garages, basements, attics and crawl spaces, barns, roof eaves and awnings, warehouses, commercial facilities, homes and offices, porches, pool areas, campsites and more.
One-Time Investment
Less expensive, less dangerous than perpetual chemical use.Success Story of implementing this product.
The Transonic Pro has been developed by BIRD-X, the worldwide leader in bird repellent products and systems.
Dimensions 6" x 3" x 3" Weight 3 pounds Coverage Up to 2000 square feet Power Consumption Less than 5 watts Power Input 9v (150mA) Adapter /110 or 220 vAC, or DC via battery or cigarette plug Sound Pressure 96dB at 1/2 meter Frequency Range 3-40 kHz Includes Unit, AC Adapter with cord, complete instructions PRICING
Price ($CDN)
TX-PRO $120.00 each Buy 6 or more TX-PRO units on the same order $115.00 each
Buy 12 or more TX-PRO units on the same order $110.00 each Cigarette plug in for 12 vDC (special order) $10.00 each NOTE: ALL pest control methods prove more effective when different types of products are used in combination. offers the widest selection anywhere, including light and sound repellers, roost inhibitors and visual scare devices.
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(1 (866) 412-4739)
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Fax: (306) 382-4995
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P.O. Box 9022 • Saskatoon, SK S7K 7E7