Garden SCENT-ry Repellent System Use smell to repel animals. Repel dogs, cats, skunks, rabbits,woodchucks, deer and more! Odors offend and repel animals, keepingyour garden pest-free! About the ProductThe GARDEN SCENT-RY concept grows from the beliefthat animals are an essential part of our environment. Humans enjoywatching these creatures. Having them on our property is a signof good environmental health. This product is ideal for those whobelieve in peaceful co-existence and do not advocate the use ofpoisons, traps - or any other inhumane approaches to animal control. Repellents can be used to condition the behavior ofanimals. Establishing and maintaining an aromatic repellent barrierwill sufficiently protect your territory from many animal pests.Once you have identified an effective repellent odor and establishedits presence in an area, animals will find other places to feed.In some instances during the growing season, animals may "holdtheir nose' and brave the repellent odor because the crop is soirresistible or other food sources are not available. But even inthese cases, the amount of damage to crops and plants can be controlled- no animal can hold its nose forever! The GARDEN SCENT-ry concept is control - not elimination. You add the repellent, we have the mechanism to deliveran effective repellent system. 1. Select your own repellent from a wide range ofcommonly available household chemicals & discarded items (ammonia,bleach, mothballs, liquid/deodorant soap, human & pet hair,etc.). 2. Fill the reservoir - the more you put in, the largerthe area of coverage. 3. Add the screen and cover. 4. Put it in the ground, on a deck or pato, or suspectit from a branch or beam. This solution is: - Simple to use, and its attractive design allows it to seamlesslyblend into most applications
- Easy to assemble, easy to fill, easy to empty and easy to clean.
- No poisons
- A peaceful solution to garden pests
- Safety screen protects pets, children and the environment from therepellent
Before You Buy A Fence - Post A GARDEN SCENT-ryProtect your garden with an aromatic barrier which ismore effective than fencing or repellents that need to be applied afterevery rain or watering. This device safely holds small quantities of repellents and distributesthe aroma just where it is needed without offending the gardener orenvironment. Made from a special type of plastic, it will last for yearsand will not absorb the aroma of the repellent. The concept is simple and the results are fantastic. This is a unique device for pest control which is based on well establishedscience for pest management. Developed by two university professors,it is highly effective and environmentally friendly. Animal behavior is shaped by smell. When animals know that an areahas food, and the area is safe from predators, they mark it and feed.This is why people use coyote urine to repel rabbits. A Peaceful Solution. This means that the animals are not injured. - So, you can watch the rabbits on your lawn, but teach them to leaveyour plants alone.
- The neighbor's dog may run free, but he can be taught, by smell,to stay off your property.
- The woodchucks will leave your vegetable plants untouched.
- The skunks, raccoons, possums, and muskrat are repelled from theareas you protect.
- Even deer can be controlled by aromatic repellents
Protects soil, ground water and crops from chemical contamination. Manycommon household products have strong odors. But these products can contaminatethe soils, pollute ground-water and have to be reapplied after they getwet from rain or irrigation. Ammonia or moth balls, placed in the GARDEN SCENT-ry give off odorsthat last a long time. The instructions include a list of repellents. Here are some examples for placement of the GARDEN SCENT-ry: - Place one GARDEN SCENT-ry at each corner of a small vegetable garden.
- Hang one to protect a small tree or single shrub.
- Put four in a row, about two feet apart, to keep pests from enteringthe property.
- Stake every six to eight feet when planting seeds or rows of smallplants.
- Place one on your front step or back porch to repel stray cats anddogs.
- Stake, place or hang next to your trash and garbage containers.
- Bring on your camping trip to establish an aromatic barrier aroundyour campsite.
The GARDEN SCENT-ry has other uses.
- Use it as a slug trap. Just depress it in the garden soil and fillwith beer.
- Use it to attract beneficial insects to the garden by filling itwith commercially available pheromone lures. And once the beneficialinsects establish a presence, you can carefully pick-up and move theGARDEN SCENT-ry taking the beneficial insects to another location.
Made in the USA with recycled plastics. The parts are interchangeableand will last for years - the plastic will withstand heat and cold.You can use commercially available repellents. These chemicals willnot harm the plastic and will last much longer.
Assembly InstructionsNOTE:Assemble prior to filling. Use necessary force. The specially formulatedplastic will not break. Turn upside down to see how the center postlocks into position. The parts will fit together more easily the secondtime they are put together.
1. Attach top to center post. Firmly push together until permanentlyin place. 2. Pour (about 1 cup) or place repellents (lures or bait) directlyinto the reservoir. Do not overfill. When using liquids, we suggestyou put a piece of paper towel, a rag, or sponge material in the reservoirprior to filling. This will help to prolong the effectiveness of manyrepellents. 3. Cover the reservoir with the screen. Insert post through screenand into reservoir. Press down firmly and turn until snapped intoholding position. 4. The stake is optional. It can be easily inserted or removed. 5. The eyelet on top is used for hanging with a strong cord or wire.Be careful not to spill the Stake repellents. Strong winds may causethe unit to swing and this movement could spill the repellents. Takecare to ensure that if the repellent is spilled that it will not injurehumans, pets, or other living things. 6.To refill, unlock post and remove screen. Tips on Deployment1. Establish your aromatic barrier early in the growing season. Conditionthe animals to stay out of your garden. If you don't, they may putyour favorite plants on their daily menu.
2. If your plants are especially attractive to animals, and thesepests are not easily persuaded to find other food, you may need topost more than one GARDEN SCENT-ry even in small areas. We once hadto use two GARDEN SCENT-rys to protect 6 daisy plants from a veryeager rabbit.
3. Find the route taken by the animal- Place the GARDEN SCENT-ryon the path between the animal's home and the plantings you wish toprotect. We successfully used one strategically placed GARDEN SCENT-ryto protect a 16'x 16'vegetable garden from a family of woodchucks.